Hope Springs Eternal..........
“It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything.”
Virginia Woolf
The creative power to create this blog (as with many endeavors), did indeed bubble up so pleasantly in the beginning. Sustaining the creative power, energy, and enthusiasm has been quite another matter. Doubts do creep in and resignation. However, I am determined to not give in, and instead put hands to keyboard, shape my words, and move forward. This determination will hopefully bear fruit.
I was reminded this morning of just such determination in my attempts each summer to grow purple Japanese eggplant. For the past four years in early summer, I've added amendment and worked a particular spot of ground near the raised vegetable beds, carried one or two 4" eggplants home from the nursery, and optimistically tucked them into the soil. Then diligently watered and waited. Whether due to the local family of squirrels, smart, beady-eyed scrub jays, or the incompetence of the gardener, they've never grown, flourished, and made it to the kitchen table. This year may be different. Hope for this eggplant and this blog, springs eternal............
I was reminded this morning of just such determination in my attempts each summer to grow purple Japanese eggplant. For the past four years in early summer, I've added amendment and worked a particular spot of ground near the raised vegetable beds, carried one or two 4" eggplants home from the nursery, and optimistically tucked them into the soil. Then diligently watered and waited. Whether due to the local family of squirrels, smart, beady-eyed scrub jays, or the incompetence of the gardener, they've never grown, flourished, and made it to the kitchen table. This year may be different. Hope for this eggplant and this blog, springs eternal............